Wisdom And Personal Growth: Exploring The Connection

Medically reviewed by Julie Dodson, MA
Updated June 4, 2024by BetterHelp Editorial Team

“Wisdom” is a term that is used frequently in contexts such as philosophy, ethics, psychology, and even religion. Although the general concept of wisdom has existed for thousands of years, it can sometimes be difficult to understand what comprises wisdom, how to develop it, or how it impacts personal growth and development. This article will examine wisdom in more detail, including how to define it and how it may apply to personal growth. It will also include a few tips for cultivating wisdom in one’s own life. 

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Interested in cultivating wisdom?

What is wisdom?

As a concept, wisdom has been around for thousands of years. A variety of religions and philosophical and scientific schools of thought have sought to explain the concept. Understanding how wisdom is defined may be the first step for those interested in applying it in their own lives. While wisdom may be easy to recognize, it can be difficult to put into words since it involves a range of features. 

The Encyclopedia Britannica defines wisdom as “knowledge that is gained by having many experiences in life,” “the natural ability to understand things that most other people cannot understand, and “knowledge of what is proper or reasonable.”

You might be wondering what this looks like in practice, though. Psychologists have sought to find a more quantifiable way of defining wisdom. For instance, a variety of studies have attempted to categorize what makes a person “wise.” 

A 2022 meta-analysis found that “wisdom entails being flexible in one’s thinking, the tendency and willingness to take on different ideas and perspectives, and an orientation toward exploration, psychological growth, and personal fulfillment.” These findings may be helpful for understanding what wisdom might include from a practical sense. 

How do wisdom and personal growth relate?

Much like the concept of wisdom itself, the idea of personal growth may seem vague. According to the Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research, personal growth may be defined as “a subset of personality development that relates to the process of becoming better in a personally meaningful way.” Depending on the interpretation and context, personal growth may entail setting goals in one’s personal or professional life, developing a constructive relationship with one’s emotions, or learning from one’s experiences and applying those lessons. 

Developing wisdom may be considered one aspect of self-improvement, and it has the potential to affect overall well-being and quality of life. A variety of research has found correlations between often-cited aspects of wisdom and indicators of happiness. For example, researchers recently found that “wiser individuals are ultimately happy, perhaps suggesting that wisdom may enable one to find contentment in life regardless of objective circumstances and one’s affective reactions to them.”


Tips for developing wisdom

Despite the fact that wisdom is a widely explored topic, it may be challenging to pinpoint a single, concrete strategy for increasing wisdom and applying it to personal evolution. Still, several common techniques have been proposed, spanning a range of schools of thought, which may be helpful for those seeking to develop wisdom. 

It may be important to remember that what works for one person may not necessarily work for another, and this list is not exhaustive. Consider the following strategies for growing wisdom on the journey to personal development:

Embracing new experiences: Based on the idea that exploration and learning may be two key aspects of wisdom, it might be helpful to make a habit of seeking out and embracing new and diverse experiences. This can be challenging, so consider starting slow and stepping outside your comfort zone in small ways. Some examples could include traveling, taking on challenging projects at work, or starting a new hobby. 

Learning from mistakes: Developing the ability to learn from one’s mistakes may be another important part of cultivating wisdom. As challenges arise, it can be helpful to shift from seeking perfection to seeking opportunities for learning and reflection. This may make it easier to navigate difficult situations and find takeaways that can be used later in life to continue to grow and evolve. 

Practicing self-awareness: Understanding oneself may be a useful step toward gaining wisdom and identifying potential new areas of personal growth. Strategies such as mindfulness meditation may be helpful for connecting with one’s consciousness, understanding one’s thought patterns, and learning to respond to one’s impulses and emotions in a more constructive way.

Being patient: Developing wisdom could be considered a lifelong process, one that may not ever be truly “complete.” For this reason, thinking of it as a box to be checked off may do more harm than good. Instead, it may be helpful to give yourself permission to develop wisdom over time and to view personal growth as an ongoing journey.

Seeking outside perspectives: Given that gaining knowledge and having new experiences are often considered important tenets of wisdom, learning from others could be another useful strategy. This might involve exposing yourself to diverse perspectives, whether through reading, attending events, or simply having conversations with new people. 

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Interested in cultivating wisdom?

For those interested in gaining fresh perspectives, viewing situations in a different light, or finding new strategies for navigating challenges, therapy may be another helpful resource. A licensed counselor may be able to provide new viewpoints on a variety of topics, such as difficult situations, big decisions, or mental health challenges.

If you’re interested in connecting with a therapist but don’t have time for traditional in-office therapy, you might consider online therapy. With BetterHelp, you can communicate with a therapist by audio, videoconferencing, or live chat. Also, you have the option to send messages to a counselor 24/7 via in-app messaging, and they’ll respond as soon as they can. 

Online therapy has been found to be an effective way of addressing mental health concerns and improving well-being. A 2017 study found online therapy to be a useful and cost-efficient treatment for various mental health conditions, such as generalized anxiety disorder, depression, and panic disorder, among others. 


Wisdom may be defined as knowledge gained through life experiences, and it can be characterized by flexibility of thought, openness to new experiences, and a willingness to learn. Wisdom can have the power to influence personal growth, and some studies have found a correlation between wisdom and happiness.

Strategies for cultivating wisdom may include embracing new experiences, learning from one’s mistakes, practicing patience, and seeking new ways of thinking. For those interested in exploring new perspectives on challenges or other life situations, therapy—either in-person or online—may be another helpful resource. Take the first step to learning more about wisdom and personal growth and reach out to BetterHelp today.

Wisdom can be learned with support
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